The Knowledge Room

Address Presentation Standards

"Australia Post has introduced advanced letter sorting equipment which incorporates new multi-line OCRs (MLOCR). These new machines are able to read full address information, which will allow letters to be sorted to a finer level. To enable the MLOCRs to perform at high levels of efficiency, all lines of the address should be formatted correctly and in a consistant manner.

The Address Presentation Standard outlines the correct format for addresses to be presented on letters, or the way in which address information is placed on envelopes. The standard has been based on two address data storage standards:

  • Australian Standard AS4212-1994 - "Geographic Information Systems - Data dictionary for transfer of street addressing information"; and
  • Australian Standard AS4590-1999 "Interchange of Client Information".

taken from attached "Address Presentation Standards" document


Marketing Media In Australia

"Marketing Media in Australia 2001, was a ResponseAbility Report conducted in 21001 and was one of the most comprehensive examinations of marketing media ever conducted in Australia. The production of this report was sponsored by Australia Post.

The objective of the research was to examine Consumer and Business People's attitudes towards various marketing media in Australia. The marketing media examined includes marketing communications received via Direct Mail Advertising, TV Advertising, Newspaper and Magazine Advertising, Radio Advertising, Email Advertising and Unaddressed Advertising Mail."

taken from attached "Marketing Media in Australia 2001" document


Reaching Consumers In The Information Age

"The information age has heralded new challenges for business. Ever-evolving technology has given consumers unprecedented access to information on products and services. Globalisation has extended the market place. Businesses are no longer competing with the company up the road but also others in the next town, state and even around the world. All this has empowered the shopper, not only in terms of a greater offering but also in the ability to make more informed purchasing decisions.

"Reaching Consumers In The Information Age" was designed to look beyond media consumption patterns and delve more deeply into consumer preference. When researching media consumption, you always run the risk of simply producing a picture that reflects how we in the marketing industry believe consumers are best reached. It was felt that asking consumers which channels they prefer for different kinds of communication might produce a different picture - and one that could lead to some powerful insights for marketers keen to maximise returns on their media investments.

taken from atatched "Reaching Consumers In The Information Age" document.


Roy Morgan Research

  • "Roy Morgan has found that adding mail into the media mix can increase reach by up to 37%. When heavy/medium mail readership is combined with heavy/medium commercial radio reach increases 37%; with commercial TV it is 27%; with newspapers 22%; with magazines 13%; and with the Internet 20%.
  • 87% of Australians aged 14 or over receive an addressed letter every week - 70% go on to read it with the rest passing it on to someone else or filing it for future reference.
  • 53% of consumers get one or no items of mail a week. Mail is an 'uncluttered' medium, especially when you consider that the average TV viewer watches approximately 20 hours a week during which time they are exposed to over 500 commercials.
  • 29% of Australia's heavy readers of mail are wealthy big spenders from 'mid life' households. Exactly the profile that many marketers are after.
  • Heavy mail readers are also amongst the busiest and most active so mail is best suited to their lifestyle because they can read it at their leisure. 48% are light TV viewers and 32% don't watch any commercial television during the week."

taken from Australia Post website
